解放军卫生工作从 192 7年建军时起逐步建立发展 ,1931年成立全军卫生工作的领导机关———军委总卫生部。此后 ,建立健全了各类卫生机构 ,形成了统一的领导体系 ,培养和配备了基本卫生人员 ,制订了各种规章制度 ,至 1933年已完成了创始阶段。解放军卫生工作的主要创始人为贺诚。
The PLA's health work was gradually founded and developed from 1927 when the army was established General Medical Department of the Central Military Commission, which was the leading department of health work of the PLA, was established in 1931 Then, all kinds of health organizations were established and strengthened, and uniform leader system was formed At the same time, health workers were trained and the laws were set up The initiatory stage was accomplished in 1933 The primary founder of the PLA's health work was He Cheng
Chinese Journal of Medical History