本文根据文献以及我们对Relu-gan RE的剖析结果合成出了性能和结构均与之一致的新型复鞣剂SRL树脂。并分别在实验室和宝鸡皮革厂进行了复鞣试验,证明其具有明显的复鞣、填充作用,初步分析了其与铬(Ⅲ)结合的机理。
According to the literatures(1-5)and the results of dissecting to Relugan
RE,a multipurpose retanning agent based on acrylic monomers has been de-
veloped.This SRL resin was proved to have almost identical structure and
properties with Relugan RE.When used as a retanning agent,it appeared to
have both retanning and filling effect obsiously.