The characters of liver iso-ferritin from Wistar rat, normal humanand patient with hepatocellular carcino-ma (HCC) were studied. The ratio of ironto protein of liver isoferritin from pa-tient with HCC were 0.021, which accou-nts for about one-twelfth of that of liverisoferritin from normal human. The mol-ecular weights of liver isoferritin fromnormal human and the patient with HCCwere 20.5 kd and 21.5 kd, respectively.The electrophoresis patterns of liver iso-ferritin from both Wistar rat and patientwith HCC showed one band,but two bandsfrom normal human. There was crossreaction in immunity among isoferritinsfrom normal human liver, Wistar ratliver and horse spleen by double immuno-diffusion. The PAGE patterns of liver iso-ferritin from different sources could beclearly differentiated. The data presentedmay serve as a good reference for furtherstudy of the relationship between thestructure and function of ferritin and maybe used practically in clinical medicine.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences