针对山楂汁本身的特有成分 ,研究了果胶酶、明胶、壳聚糖、蜂蜜、甘草汁等澄清剂对山楂汁的澄清效果。试验结果表明 ,采用壳聚糖的澄清效果最为理想 ,其澄清速度快 ,用量少 ,产品在贮藏期间稳定 。
Taking into account the peculiar constituents in haw juice, the authors studied and compared the clarification effects of different clarifiers including pectinase, gelatin, chitosan, honey and liquorice juice. The results indicated that the effect of chitosan was best, which was characterized by rapid clarification, less dosage, and the satisfactory flavour and stability of products when stored.
Beverage Industry