研究了以花生为主要原料 ,利用两歧双歧杆菌、保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌发酵花生酸乳的生产工艺及各种主要影响因素。由研究得知 :当原料配比为花生乳 40 %、脱脂奶粉 2 %和蔗糖 5 %时 ,在发酵剂为 3%、温度为 37℃和 12h的发酵条件下 ,即可生产出色泽均匀一致、组织细腻、酸甜爽口、香气协调、具有花生奶特有香味的发酵酸乳。
The technology for the fermentation of peanut yoghurt with Bifidobacterium, L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus and the main factors influencing the process were studied in the paper. The results showed that peanut milk 40%, defatted milk powder 2%, sugar 5% and fermenting medium 3% were fermented at 37℃ for 12h to give a yoghurt featured by uniform colour, fine mouthfeel, pleasant sweetness and sourness, mild aroma and the unique flavour of peanut milk.
Beverage Industry