对珠江三角洲地区鸭肝炎发病雏鸭群进行病原分离、致病性试验及理化特性测定。结果共分离到 9株野毒 ,初步研究结果表明该 9株野毒具备Ⅰ型鸭肝炎病毒 (DHV Ⅰ )的基本特征 ,但其毒力具有不均一性。对 7日龄雏鸭的致病力 ,其中 3株LD50 分别为 10 -4 .36/0 .3mL、10 -4 .17/0 .3mL和 10 -4 .0 8/0 .3mL ;另外 3株LD50 分别为 10 -2 .4 8/0 .3mL、10 -2 .39/0 .3mL和 10 -2 .19/0 .3mL ;其余 3株对 7日龄雏鸭无致病性 ,但 2株对 1日龄的雏鸭却有一定的致病性 ,1株无致病性。该研究结果为分析本地区鸭肝炎疫情变化提供了依据。
Isolation, pathogenicity and physical chemical characterization tests of pathogen causing duck hepatitis in the delta region of Pear River were carried out, and nine wild duck hepatitis viruses were obtained, six of which had pathogenicit to seven day old ducklings and their LD 50 were 10 -4.36 /0.3 mL, 10 -4.17 /0.3 mL, 10 -2.48 /0.3 mL,10 -2.39 /0.3 mL and 10 -2.19 /0.3 mL,respectively. The rest three isolates had no pathogenicity to seven day old ucklings, but two of them were able to infect one day old ducklings and the other one not. It was showed that the isolates were duck pepatitis virus type Ⅰ (DHV Ⅰ) with various virulences for avians in the region.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology