

Studies on the Origin of Plant Bacteriophages in an Artifcial Inoculation Condition
摘要 对盆栽水稻采用针刺、喷雾、盆水等不同方法接种水稻细菌性条斑病病菌后 ,检测稻株发病和盆水中的噬菌体 ,结果表明 :未接种稻细条病菌的处理中 ,无稻株发病 ,盆水中也未测到噬菌体 ;3种接种处理均可引致稻株发病 ,并先后在其盆水中检测到噬菌体 ,说明噬菌体与致病菌有密切的伴随关系。在采用叶面喷雾和盆水接种稻白叶枯自然组合菌株B 1和单细胞系菌株Ⅳ 16试验中 ,B 1处理后能引起稻株发病 ,且在盆水中测到噬菌体 ;而Ⅳ 16处理后虽引起稻株发病 ,但盆水中无噬菌体 ,结果表明 days after the leaves of rice plants in polythere bacins were inoculating with the suspention of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola strain by needle pricking, spraying and pouring it in rice basins' water, the percentages of diseased plants and the quantities of phages in the rice basins' water were checked up periodically. The results showed that three kinds of inoculation methods all succeeded in causing bacterial leaf streak (BLS), the bacteriophages were detected in the rice basins' water, while there were no diseased plants and phages in non inoculated rice basins, which indicted there was a close companionate relationship between the pathogen and the phage.When the rice plants and the rice basins' water were inoculated with the natural composite strain of B 1 and the monocell colony strain of Ⅳ 16 of X. oryzae pv. oryzae , both the bacterial leaf blight (BLB) and phages were detected in the treatment with B 1, but altnough the BLB appeared on the rice plants and no phage was detected in the treatment with IV 16, which suggested that the bacteriophages were be transmitted by the lysogenic cell (cells affected by temperate phages) among the composite strain cells in the artificial inoculation condition.
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期119-121,共3页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 湖北省科委重点攻关项目
关键词 水稻 病原细菌 噬菌体 人工接种 溶原细胞 亲和性 rice, bacterial disease, phage
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