本文给出了电子书( electronic book,简称 eBook)的定义,分析了国内外 eBook的发展现状,对比了各种 eBook阅读器的性能,并研究了各种关于 eBook的解决方案。最后,提出了一套以 津科 eBook为依托的,既符合国情又尽可能和国际接轨的关于电子书的解决方案,并对电子书未来的发展提出了一些看法。
: In this paper we first define the concept of eBook, and then analyze the present situation of eBook all over the world, compare the performances of all kinds of eBook readers, and study several current solutions about eBook. After that, we put forward a new solution based on Jinke eBook, this solution not only accords with the status of our country, but also keeps in line with international standard. At last, we give our idea about the development of eBook in the future.
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