目的:分析不同界面处理对人工牙与注塑基托结合力的影响。方法:对人工牙和注塑基托界面进行不同处理,即(1)树脂人工牙与注塑基托常规结合;(2)树脂人工牙结合面涂布聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体加以溶胀后与注塑基托结合;(3)树脂人工牙结合面制备固位洞并涂布聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体加以溶胀后与注塑基托结合;(4)黄金钉瓷牙与注塑基托常规结合。运用材料万能实验机对结合试件进行剪切实验,通过剪切力反映结合力状况。结果:树脂人工牙与注塑基托常规结台剪切力为27.04MPa; 树脂人工牙结合面涂布聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体加以溶胀后与注塑基托结会剪切力为37.17MPa;树脂人工牙结合面制备固位洞并涂布聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体加以溶胀后与注塑基托结合剪切力为109.54MPa; 黄金钉瓷牙与注塑基托常规结合剪切力为219.59MPa。结论:黄金钉瓷牙与注塑基托常规结合的结合力最大.而树脂人工牙与注塑基托常规结合的结合力最小,两者之间有非常显著的差异,因此结合界面不同处理对人工牙与注塑基托结合力的影响很大。
Objective: This study analysed the effect of different disposals to the interfaces of artificial teeth and resin-injection bases on their combined ability. Methods: The interfaces of the artificial teeth and resin-injection base were dealt with in four ways. (1) the conventional combination of resin tooth and base. (2) applying PMMA monomer coat on the combined surface of the resin tooth before combination. (3) making a retention form on interface of the resin tooth in addition to (2) before combination. (4) the porcelain tooth with gold retentive pin was used to combine with the base. The shearing force of the combination was measured by a test machine and the data were subjected to ANOVA to determine differences. Results: The shearing forces showed under the four conditions above were: (1)27. 04Mpa, (3)37. l7Mpa. (3) 109. 54Mpa, (4)219. 59Mpa. Conclusions: The combined force of the porcelain tooth and resin-injection base was significantly greater compared with that of the conventional combination of the resin tooth and resin-injection base. It is suggested that different diaposals to the interfaces between artificial teeth and resin-injection base had significant effect on their combination.
Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics