目的:通过单侧上颌骨缺损修复的临床实践,探讨其修复方法。方法:对108例单侧上颌骨缺损病例进行临床调查,从固位设计、基托设计、阻塞器设计及减小 力4个方面分别进行临床分析。结果:108例近期效果基本良好,24例 6个月至 2年随访,2例基牙松动Ⅰ~Ⅱ°,11例基托不密合,15例能咀嚼一般食物,22例基本恢复语言功能。结论:1 固位设计应在保护基牙的情况下,尽量利用剩余牙承力,以加强平面固位作用。2.加大基托面积,利用组织倒凹辅助义齿固位。3采用低位中空阻塞器并减小 力,以利于义齿固位。
Objective: To discuss the clinical results of maxillary defects prosthesis. Methods: 108 patients with maxillary defects were treated and the results were evaluated according to the follwing four factors: the design of retention, the design of base-plate, the design of obturator and the decrease of bite force. Results: The short-term results of 108 cases are basically good; 24 cases after 6 months to 2 years check: 2 cases with tooth loosening; the base seal of 11 cases are not so good; 15 cases can eat ordinary foods; 22 cases speech rehabilitated. Conclusions: The abutments should be well protected when designing the clasps, and in order to enhance the retention of prosthesis the distribution of clasps should be scattered as possible. Enlarging the area of base-plate into the undetcuts can acquire additional retention force. The low ho 11 ow obturator can reduce the bite force, which contributes to the retention of prosthesis.
Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics