20 0 0年底 ,劳动和社会保障部发布的《工资集体协商试行办法》引起了企业极大的关注。工资集体协商是企业与市场日益成熟的表现 ,但在我国卓有成效地实行工资集体协商 ,实际上仍需要在理论和实践中进行认真的探讨。本文通过对“协商办法”可行性的理论分析 ,力图论证工资集体协商在中国将要走一段并非一帆风顺的路程。
The proposed methods of the collective negotiation of wages issued by the Department of Labor and Social Security in the late 2000 has caused great concerns among firms.There is still a long way to go to implement and imperfect the policy that needs serious discuss in theory and practice.The paper tries to explain the difficulties and constraints of the above proposed methods by theoretical analysis of the feasibility of the policy.
Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics