目的 :孕早期预测胎儿血型 ,对防治新生儿溶血病有着重要的意义。方法 :采用多种取材方法预测胎儿血型对比研究 :①绒毛活检共 5 5例 ,其中经腹取孕早期绒毛 10例。②经腹脐静脉穿刺取脐血 30例。③经腹取羊水共 72例 ,其中取孕早期羊水 2 0例。分别测羊水、绒毛血型物质和脐血血型。结果 :羊水、缄毛、脐血取材成功率分别为10 0 %、98.2 %、88.2 %。各种取材均可检测胎儿血型 (羊水非分泌型除外 ) ,与父母血型及产后脐血血型对照符合率10 0 %。结论 :三种取材方法各有其优点与适应症 :①经腹绒毛活检避免了经宫颈取标本的污染及母儿并发症。②孕早期羊水穿刺比中孕提前 4周 ,且成功率高。③取脐血直接测血型更准确、简便。因此这三种预测胎儿血型的取材方法是先进、科学、安全、可靠的 ,具有临床实用价值。
Objective:To determine fetal blood group in early pregnancy and predict fetal hemolysis disease.Methods:Different sampling methods were performed to determine fetal blood group ,i.e.55 cases by chorionic villus sampling,10 cases of them were taken transabdominally in early pregncy;30 cases by collecting cord blood transabdominal cordocentensis;72 cases by collecting amniotic fliud tranabdominal amniocentesis,20 cases of them were sample in early pregnancy.The blood group of amniotic fluid,chorionic villus,and cord blood determined differentially by the routine laboratory methods.Results:The success rate of sampling through amniotic fluid,chorionic villus,and cord blood were 100%,98.2%,88.2% respectirely.All of these specimen can be used for detecting fetal blood type(apart from nonsecretory amniotic fluid),and the results are consistant with maternal blood group and postnatal cord blood type.Conclusion :The study results showed that each sampling method has its own advantage and indications:①Transabdominal chorionic sampling avoided contamination and maternal complication caused by transcervical method.②Early pregnancy amniocentensis has higher success rate and the date of determination was advanced 4 weeks before midtimester.③Direct blood grouping using transabdominal cordocentensis is more accurate.We conclude that the 3 methods used to determine fetal blood type are safe,reliable and have clinical application value.
Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology
Blood typing materials
ABO fetal maternal incompatibility
Amniotic fluid
Chorionic villus
Cord blood