A new species of Phassus jianglingensis is described in the present paper.Phassus jiangling Zeng et Zhao sp.nov.(fig.1)Body brown.Body length:male 25mm,female 28mm.Forewing length:male 22mm,female 27mm,Forewing brown;4—5 blackbrown spots on the costal margin;A small silver white spot locates on the basal of the middle celland a large silver white patch exsists in the apical part,is surrounded with 2—3 small silverwhite spots.The outer belt and subouter marginal belt of the forewing consists of hemi—circulardark brown patches.Hindwing grey.Hingleg vestigial.Male genitalia:The apex of the saccus is smoothly point shape,several setoses exsist in thedorsal of the clasper and middle part of the tegumen is slender and curved.Holotype male,allotype female,and paratype 1 male,1 female.Were collected by ZengXiangshun and Zao Quanliang in Jiangling,Hubei province,May 1988.The type specimens are deposited in the Insect—Collecting section of the Plant Protectiondepartment,Huazhong Agricultural University.
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University