1999年 1 1月 2 9日辽宁岫岩 -海城 5.4地震是继 1 975年 2月 4日海城 7.3地震后又一次作出成功预报 ,并取得减灾实效的地震 ,本文简述了该地震预测预报及震后应急的整个过程 ,综合叙述了地震各种参数及震害情况 ,并对“九五”期间建立起来的辽宁地震信息网络和辽宁数字遥测地震台网在这次地震中发挥的重要作用进行了介绍。
The prediction for Xiuyan Haicheng,Liaoning earthquake with magnitude of M S 5 4 on November 29,1999 is the second successful example after the first one for the Haicheng earthquake with magnitude of M S 7 3 on Feburary 4,1975.Moreover By taking measures the disaster caused by this earthquake has been reduced effectively.The process are of prediction and emergenly measure after the earthquake is introduced briefly in this paper.Al kinds of parameters on this earthquake and the disaster caused by this event are described comprehensively.It is also introduced that important roles of by Liaoning Seismological Information Network and Liaoning Digital and Telemetered Seismic Observation Network built during the period of the ‘Ninth Five Years Plan,for this earthquake.
Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research