从工程块体系统非连续变形分析的基本理论出发 ,在严谨的运动学、力学基础上 ,给出了利用大地测量数据 (包括空间大地测量 ,跨断层测量 ,形变测量等 )分析断层带及其周围块体系统非连续运动变形的基本方程和方法。此方法除具有有限单元法的优点外 ,还能根据具体情况采用各种形状的弹性块体划分 ,对不同的断层和块体间的接触、滑动、张开选取不同物理参数 ,并把系统的大位移和大变形视为小位移和小变形的迭加。文中给出了计算公式和正反分析算例。
On the basis of the theory of discontinuous deformation analysis , the basic equations for analyzing the discontinuous motion and deformation of faults and its around block system with geodetic data are derived on the kinematic and mechanic principles. Besides some advantages of finite element method, this method permits dividing elastic block into various shapes according to specific situation and selecting different physical parameters according to the closing, sliding and opening of different faults and blocks.Large deformations are considered as the superposition of small deformation. The calculating equations and simulation examples are given in this article.
Crustal Deformation and Earthquake
地震科学联合基金资助项目 (1 990 81 )