通常固定增益的放大器在兼顾大的动态范围和较高的小信号精度的情况下很难满足预期的要求。本文针对增益为 2 0~ 2 3倍的可编程阶码放大器 AD5 2 6集成片 ,摆脱传统的设计方法 ,提出一种反馈式程控放大电路。该电路能够在瞬时调整信号的放大增益 ,具有很高的精度和较大的动态范围 ,能够在模数转换前端处理中发挥重要作用。
In general, it is difficult fixed gain magnifier to achieve the vast scale and high precision of feeble signal at the same lime. This paper introduces a special amplifying circuit which can vary the gain from 2 0 to 2 3 in allusion to AD526 chip, throwing out of the traditional method. This circuit can change the gain in a wink and obtain high precision with vast scale. This circuit can play important role in signal processing before A/D.
Crustal Deformation and Earthquake
中国地震局"九.五项目"(95 -0 4 -0 1 -0 1 -1 3 )部分成果