根据线路设计资料提供的曲线主点 (直线起点 )里程、坐标、切线 (直线 )方位角、曲线半径、缓和曲线长度的已知数据 ,计算出任意线形的中桩、边桩在线路统一坐标系中的坐标 ,利用全站仪极坐标放样程序 ,以线路附近的控制点或加密点为测站 ,准确、快速放样各点。
According to road designing data of mileage,coordinate,azimuth angle of tangent or straight line,curve radius,the length of spiral line from main point of curve or straight line starting point,we can calculate the coordinates of center line points and boundary line points in any form of road under the same coordinate system. Operate according to layout program of pole coordinate in Electronic Total Station, make instrument station out of control points or added points near the road,then layout all the points.
Journal of Geomatics