Located in the northern margin of the North China plate where this plate was collided with Xing-Meng orogenic belt, the Western Chifeng area is one of the important gold-producing areas in the well-known Chifeng-Chaoyang gold-concentrated region. There are two types of gold deposits in this area, namely altered rock type and quartz vein type. The Chaihulanzi gold deposit belongs to the former type, whereas the Liahuashan and Honghuagou gold deposits are of the latter type. Much geological evidence indicates that the formation of the gold deposits was closely related to the basic-intermadiate magmatic activities which, according to field investigation and isotopic data, took place in Indosinian. The metallogenic epoch is hence thought to be Indosinian instead of being Yanshanian or Hercynian as suggested by previous researchers. Based on an integrated analysis, the authors hold that the gold deposits in the area are products of structural-magmatic activities in Indosinian when regional upheaval occurred. This point of view can better explain the metallogenetic mechanism of the gold deposits in this area.
Mineral Deposits
国家重点基础研究项目(编号: G199904 3207)
国家攀登计划预选项目(编号: 95-预-25)