An epidemiological study has been made in three lead exposed small plants, as well as their surroundings, and residents of the polluted area(polluted group). The work conditions were poor, the frequency of lead poisoning among the workers in the three plants was very high, the mean incidence of lead intoxication including 'lead absorption' was 53.1%. The surroundings within the extent 200 m of diameter around the plants were highly polluted. The main symptoms, signs and laboratory findings appeared to have significant difference between the polluted group and the control group. It suggested that certain adverse effects due to lead to the health had happened in the polluted group. It also indicated that, during the rural industries developing, great attention should be paid to their industrial hygiene.After the comparisons among the indices being used in the survey. It was recommended that the ZPP determination method would be the screening test of choice
China Occupational Medicine