尖鳍鲤是一种能长期适应咸淡水生活的鲤科鱼类, 其受精、孵化可在0 ~125 ‰盐度范围内进行, 最适盐度为25 ‰~75 ‰; 卵黄囊仔鱼能适应150 ‰的盐度, 适宜的盐度是25 ‰~75 ‰; 在75 ‰的盐度下生长最好, 存活率最高, 卵黄的吸收最快; 经每级25 ‰的盐度梯度( 范围0 ~30 ‰) 驯化一周, 尖鳍鲤仔鱼最高能适应250 ‰的盐度, 比野鲤适应盐度的范围高( 野鲤仔鱼最高为60 ‰)
This paper describes the effects of salinity on fertilized eggs and larvae of seacarp ( Cyprinus acutidorsalis ). The fertilization and incubation of seacarp can proceed normally under the salinity of 0~12 5‰ while the optimal salinity is 2 5%~7 5‰. The yolk sac larva can tolerate the salinity of 15 0‰ but the suitable salinity is 2 5‰~7 5‰. Under the salinity of 7 5‰, there would be optimal growth and the highest survival rate, and the absorption of yolk is the fastest. In a week of acclincation, every step of changed salinity is 2 5‰(range:0~30 0‰). The maximum adaptive salinity of the juvenile of seacarp is higher than that of juvenile of common carp (which is 6 0‰).
seacarp ( Cyprinus acutidorsalis )
early growth