For any compact、oriented、n-dimensional C ∞-manifold M n embedded into R n+N , we construct a normal fibre bundle.By structure equations and Killing-Lipschitz curvature, we can introduce:a k=1ω(n+N-1)∫ B k |G(p,v(p))| d v∧∑ N-1 (where ω(n+N-1)) is the area of n+N-1-dimensional sphere, B k is the subset of S v such that the structure matrix (A v sj (I(p))) n×n ) have type number k).M t(M n,I)=∑nk=0a kt k (be called Morse Polynomial) With high level function, we generalized the crofton formula which is the bridge from the Morse polynomial of topological form to the Geometric form and we have: Main Theorem: There exist a polynomial with nonnegative real coefficient Q(t), Such thatM t(M n,I)-P t(M n,I)=(1+t)Q(t) Where P t(M n,I)=∑nk=0β kt k, β k= dim H k(I(M n),R).