本实验采用两血管阻塞慢性脑缺血模型,观察脑缺血一周和缺血 5周大鼠海马 CAI区锥体细胞及海马齿状回颗粒细胞的形态变化。结果显示,慢性脑缺血对海马CAI区体细胞有较明显的损伤,而海马齿状回颗粒细胞对慢性脑缺血有较强的耐受性。
The ho were subjected to cerebral ischemia by means of bilate ralcarotid arterys occlusion. The morphological change of the pyramidal cells in hippocampus and the granular cells in dentstus had been studied. The result showed that the damage of the pyramidal cells in CAI region was serious, and the dentstus was more resistant to cerebral ischemia.