本文用四季能采集到的紫鸭跖草( Tradescantia)(2n=4x=24)花蕾作减数分裂实验材料,解决了以往学生不能亲自动手采集、处理实验材料的难题。也能够观察到减数分裂各个时期的形态特征及其染色体行为,并能观察到部分染色体异常。变异等情况。
In this paper, we used the Tradescantia virginiana buds which could be easily collected in Guangzhou all the year round as the experiment's material of meiosis, so we solved a solved problem that students could not experience the whole process of the experiment before. In the experiment we could clearly observe morphological characters of meiosis, its chromosomal movement at each stage and even chromosomal aberrations. ms paper, therefore, supplies a new reasonable means for the study of meiosis.