高等工程专科毕业生的工作岗位均在工程、生产第一线 ,要求学生具有较强的专业工作技能、工程实践能力和创新能力。针对电气自动化专业学生的培养目标 ,提出了建立电气自动化技术工程实训中心 ,指出了实训中心设备装置的选择原则 ,介绍了我院建立电气自动化技术工程实训中心的方法及实施效果。
The job groups of engineering institute students are in the engineering and the production of cartel.It demands that they be strongly capable of specialized skill,engineering applying and innovation.In view of the training aim for electrical automation profession,this article proposes founding engineering drilling center,points out selecting principle on device of the drilling center,and introduces the method of founding engineering drilling center in electrical automation techniques and its practical result.
Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering(Natural Science Edition)
湖南省高等教育面向 2 1世纪教学内容与课程体系改革计划"重点资助项目