目的 :利用单发佐剂关节炎大鼠作为慢性痛动物模型 ,在不同部位给予不同频率的穴位体表电刺激(TENS)治疗 ,观察疗效的部位特异性。方法 :应用HANSLH 80 0型刺激仪 ,分别在足三里 (ST6 )、涌泉 (K1)、劳宫(PE8)给予 10 0Hz或 2HzTENS治疗 ,观察疗效。结果 :( 1)与对照组相比 ,10 0HzTENS作用于足三里和涌泉均可显著改善动物的行为学指标 ,疗效相仿。劳宫刺激则无疗效。 ( 2 ) 2HzTENS刺激只有涌泉有显著疗效 ,足三里和劳宫均无疗效。 ( 3)若在同一部位比较不同频率的疗效 ,足三里刺激 10 0Hz有效而 2Hz无效 ,涌泉刺激 10 0Hz和 2Hz均有相似的疗效 ,劳宫刺激 10 0Hz和 2Hz均无疗效。结论 :TENS治疗关节炎大鼠具有部位特异性 ,且在致炎部位附近治疗效果较好 ;
Objective: To investigate the site and frequency dependency of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) in treating adjuvant monoarthritis in rats. Methods: TENS of 100 or 2 Hz were applied at ST6 (Zusanli), K1 (Yongquan) or PE8 (Laogong). Han's acupoint nerve stimulator (HANS LH 800) was employed. Results: (1) Compared with the control group, TENS of 100 Hz at K1 and ST6 but not PE8 showed significant therapeutic effect. (2) TENS of 2 Hz was effective only when applied at K1, but not ST6 or PE8. (3) Both frequencies were similarly effective in K1; 100 Hz was more effective than 2 Hz in ST6; while none of the frequencies were practically effective in PE8. Conclusion: Effect of TENS in the present model displayed site and frequency dependency. Stimulation at a point closer to the inflamed joint showed better effect. This site dependence was more obvious with TENS of low frequency.
Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
国家自然科学基金! ( 3970 0 188)&&