目的 :建立一个简便、快速、准确地检测血液免疫功能的方法。方法 :在自然条件下 ,以新鲜全血和自体血浆致敏酵母多糖为实验对象。该方法能同时、快速检测粒、红细胞免疫粘附功能。结果 :在用此方法对临床病例的检测中 ,发现肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病病人红细胞即时免疫功能明显下降 ,而粒细胞疫功能变化不明显。结论
s Objective:To set up a simple,fast and accurate examination method for blood immunological function Method:In new immunological test,the fresh blood is object,and the sensitized yeast fungus by one's own plasma is the reagent The method can quickly evaluate the immune adhesion function of erythrocyte and the erthrocyte at the same time.Result:The immune adhesion function of erthrocyte was signinficantly lower in patients with neoplasm or autoimmune disease,and that of the granulocyte was no change Conclusion:The immune function of erythrocyte should be pay more attention in clinical expericence and the research of fundamental immunology
Guangxi Medical Journal