在分析当前国有煤炭企业存在的主要困难及其成因的基础上 ,认为自立自强适应市场、主辅分离高产高效、成本倒算加强管理、调整产业产品结构、加快中小企业改制步伐和全面建立现代企业制度是国有煤炭企业尽快摆脱困境的有效措施。
Analyzing the major difficulties and their causes presently faced with by state-owned coal mines, this paper thinks that the following measures are effective in assisting these coal mines to get rid of present dilemma: improving their own mightiness to face market competition, separating main business from side-businesses and improving the overall efficiency, enhancing management and cost control, bettering industrial and product structure, increasing R&D input and setting up modern corporate system in the mines.
China Coal