纯棉毯织物门幅宽、织物厚实 ,在染整加工过程中渗透性和匀染性极差 ,极易造成色花等质量问题。通过采用低温冷染和保温染色的工艺 ,改善了织物的渗透性和染色的均匀性 ,解决了色花的问题。将Q113型绳状染色机改造 ,扩大了设备的使用范围 。
During dyeing and finishing of cotton blanket, uneven dyeing always occurs due to the poor permeability and bad level dyeing property caused by its wide width and heavy weight. By means of low tempeature and heat preservation dyeing process, the peameability and level dyeing property of cotton blanket has been improved.Consequently the defect of coloured spots is iliminated. The rope dyeing machine Q113 used for this process is thus modified, making a wider application of this machine.
Knitting Industries