对315 例(618 眼) 近视患者作扩瞳检影后用直接检眼镜观察视盘近视弧斑的宽度及范围。并记录进行统计分析。结果:小于150 D 的患者,仅见6 眼(6/162) 有弧形斑,150 D~300 D 患者88 眼(88/158) 有弧形斑,300 ~600 D 患者124 眼(124/162) 有弧形斑,600 D 以上全部有弧型斑,各组间近视弧斑的多少差异有显著性( P< 001) 。结论:150 D 以上的近视多数有近视弧斑改变,近视弧斑的形成、宽度及范围与近视程度成正相关,定期动态随访近视患者的弧形斑形态的变化,对于评估近视的发展和近视眼的防治有一定的意义。
near sighted patients’pupils (618eyes) were dilated and exa mined with a direct magnifyingglass to observe the width and scope of the near sighted curved spots . The results showed that most of the 1 .50 D near sighted eyes had som e change of the near sighted curved spots . The degree of the near sightwas connected with the form , width and scope of the near sighted curved spots by direct proportion . Itisconcluded that it’s necessary to exa mine the change of the curved spots regularly . This will help evaluatethis type of change better so as to preve
Journal of Wannan Medical College