全球变化对区域土地持续利用的影响表现为其多方面内容从不同侧面直接或间接地对区域土地利用生产性、安全性、保持性、可行性和接受性产生影响。在长江三角洲地区 ,全球变化对土地持续利用的影响主要表现为不利的方面 :( 1)海平面上升导致土地面积减少及土壤性质恶化 ;( 2 )自然灾害增多导致土地利用安全性降低 ;( 3)酸雨危害加重导致土地生态环境恶化 ;( 4 )地表植被减少及湿润指数降低导致土地退化加剧。针对以上问题 ,应采取以下对策以促进长江三角洲土地持续利用 :( 1)加强全球变化监测与预警 ;( 2 )制定适应于全球变化的土地持续利用规划 ;( 3)增强土地利用对全球变化的应变能力 ;( 4 )加强全球合作 ,减缓不利于人类生存的全球变化速度。
The impacts of global change on regional sustainable land use are demonstrated in the several aspects of global change, which affect directly or indirectly the productivity, safety, stability, feasibility and acceptability of land use. In the Yangtze Delta area, the impacts of global change on sustainable land use are mostly harmful. They are as follows: (1) land area decrease and soil propensity deterioration caused by sea level rise; (2) the drop of land use security by the increase of natural disaster; (3) deterioration of land ecological environment by acid rain; (4) land degradation by the decrease of vegetation and humidity index. In the light of these points, the following measures are to take into consideration to improve sustainable land use in Yangtze Delta:① to strengthen global change research;② draw up extended planning; ③ improve the adaptability of land use by taking reasonable land use action; ④ slow down the global change speed by doing beneficial work with global cooperation.
Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
国家自然科学基金!重点项目"长江三角洲水土资源环境演变与调控研究"(4 98310 70 )专题成果之一