通过对某退役铀矿山的 14个废石堆放场及 3个尾砂库氡析出率的测量及内照射剂量的估算 ,表明 ,只有一个废石场的氡析出率超过国家规定的管理限值水平 ;尾砂库的氡析出率较高 ,个别测点的氡析出率超出管理限值水平近 7倍 ;因氡析出而使当地居民额外所受的年最大有效剂量当量为 0 0 5 8mSv。指出在尾砂库表面覆盖黄土 ,可以有效降低氡析出水平 ,当覆盖厚度达 0 5m时 ,可将氡析出水平降低 84%以上。
The radon emanation rate of 14 waste-rock yards and 3 tailing sand reservoirs of a retired uranium mine was determined, and inter irradiation dose was estimated. The result indicated that only one waste-rock yard′s radon emanation rate exceeded the restrictive value stipulated by state. The radon emanation rate of tailing sand reservoirs was 7 times more than restrictive value in average. The radon emanation contributed an extra radiation normal dose of 0 058mSv annual. To cover the surface of tailing sand reservoirs with loess can reduce radon emanation effectively. When the depth of cover loess was 0.5m, radon emanation was decreased more than 84%.
The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring