用非条件 Logistic回归分析方法研究空气污染对学龄儿童呼吸系统疾病、症状的影响。结果表明 ,控制年龄、性别、父亲和母亲受教育水平、住房结构、家庭烹饪燃料、厨房抽风设备、被动吸烟等因素 ,污染区儿童因呼吸系统疾病住院、患支气管炎和出现喘息症状的危险性分别是相对清洁区的 1 .6、1 .5和 1 .2倍 ;不感冒咳嗽或不感冒咳痰的发生与室外空气污染水平的关系均不明显 ;家庭烹饪使用不洁燃料、厨房通风不良、被动吸烟使喘息症状的发生机会增加 (尤其是厨房的通风状况不良 )
The effect of the air pollution on some pulmonary diseases and symptoms in primary children was studied by means of the method of non condition logistic regression analysis The results indicated that the risk of permission in hospital due of pulmonary problems, suffering from bronchitis, or wheeze attack in children in the pollution area in the center of the city were 1 6, 1 5 and 1 2 times respectively of that in the children in the relative clean area near the suburban after controlling the age, sex, the paternal educational level, the structure of the house of the family, the main type of the fuel for cooking in the family, the facilities of ventilation in kitchen and passive smoking The relations between coughing or bringing up phlegm when not in cold with outdoor air pollution were not statistically significant Using unclean fuel for cooking, bad condition of the ventilation in kitchen, or passive smoking in the family increases the risk of wheeze attack in the children (especially bad condition of the ventilation in kitchen of the family)
Environmental Monitoring in China
中美科技合作项目 !(92 1 0 3 0 3 3 9-1 )