始于中唐以后的民间具有教学功能的书院 ,是实施古代大学教育的学院。古代大学“皆用口授”的教学方式向生徒可“视简而诵”的转变是古代大学教学发展史上的重要飞跃。书院一开始就有补于官写“废坏”在数量上的不足和“皆用口授”在方法上的不足 ;书院在宋代与说学的结合则又使其在内容和教学指导思想上有了新的发展。书院在实行导师全面负责的教学制度下采取了教师升堂讲说 ,生徒个人读书、作业、自修 ,师生质疑问难 ,学友互相切磋。 展礼仪、优游山川 ,组织讲会、文会、诗会 ,以小考核、课试等教学组织形式。书院并将德行的修养当作学习的最高目标。
Classical learning academies among folk people in the second half of the Tang Dynasty,are ancient higher education structures playing teaching function.Their transformation in teaching methodology from oral instructions to bamboo chip reading is a significent development in Classical higher education.Their incorperation with moral and rationality of the Song dynasty further developed their teaching content and guiding idea,to have compensated the insufficiency in number and the inefficiency in teaching method of such structures. Under the charge of tutors,their teaching system takes moral integrity as their supreme teaching goal.The experience of their teaching and many questions in idealistic philosophical thinking will certainly be helpful to the study of the modern education.
Journal of Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology(Social Science)