生产关系是划分社会形态的基础 ,根据资本主义社会生产力的发展 ,引起了资本主义生产关系在总的量变过程中的四次阶段性部分质变 ,把资本主义发展的历史进程划分为五个发展阶段 ;个体资本主义————集体资本主义———集团资本主义———国家资本主义———社会资本主义 ;社会资本主义已生成出社会主义因素的萌芽 ;资本主义向社会主义过渡有两种情形 :一种是资本主义走完它的发展历程 ,寿终正寝进入社会主义 ,另一种是资本主义半途夭折进入社会主义。
Based on the understanding that production relations are the base for dividing social formation and that the development of the capitalist social productive forces leads to the four phasic partial qualitative changes of capitalist production relations, the author tries to divide the historical development process of capitalism into five stages, i.e., individual capitalism, collective capitalism, group capitalism, national capitalism and social capitalism. By the last stage, seeds of socialist factors can be found. It is also recognized that there are two ways of transition of capitalism to socialism. One occurs when capitalism comes to death after completing its due course of development and the other occurs when capitalism comes to a premature end and develops into socialism.