素质教育的核心是培养学生的创造力和创新精神 ,实施创新教育 ,培养学生的创造力 ,应成为当今中学政治课教学改革的首要目标。一要激发学生求知欲 ,培养创新精神 ;二要合理设置问题情境 。
Bringing up stuedent's creative power and creative spirit is the core of quality education. Politics teaching, the main subject of base education is an important subject. Every student must study the compulsory subject. Bringing forth new ideas and creative education is the primary aim in the teaching reform of politics. What about implementing the students' creative power? The author thinks: First, stimulate the interest of studying and implement the students' creative spirit. Second, give the question condition rationally and bring up the ability of thought.