环洞庭湖区最值得骄傲的资源是水 ,最令人头痛的也是水。治水、用水和避水是农业产业结构调整的实施重点。首先是要大兴水利建设 ,控制洪魔 ,改善生态 ;其次是利用丰富的粮食和水草资源大力发展畜牧业 ,继续发展水稻生产 ,千方百计做强粮食产业 ,保持环洞庭湖区作为全国商品粮产区的特殊地位 ;再次是利用丰富的水面资源大力发展水产养殖业和水生作物种植业 ,把它们培植成该区域最重要的经济增长点之一。环洞庭湖区的农业产业结构调整还必须以避洪为原则 ,趋利避害 。
Water is both most valuable and most troublesome in the Dongtinghu lake area. The adjustment of the structure of agricultural industry is to be centred around water. Firstly,water conservancy projects are to be carried out to prevent floods and improve ecology. Secondly,animal husbandry is to be developed by using grains and water grass,and rice production is to be further reinforced.Thirdly, aquaculture and water plants growing are to be developed so that they become one of the main growth points of economy. Finally,ecologic agriculture that avoids floods is to be developed.
Journal of Changde Teachers University(Social Science Edition)
湖南省教委课题"环洞庭湖区农业产业结构调整研究"!(0 0C2 82 )