研究了在线型聚 (丙烯酸 ) (PAA)溶液中链长、pH、离子强度和水 /二甲亚砜混合溶剂组成对非离子聚 (N-乙烯基 - 2 -吡咯烷酮 ) (PVP)水凝胶溶胀特性的影响 .发现聚酸浓度的变化引起凝胶显著的体积相变 ,这是因为凝胶和聚合物通过氢键形成了大分子间凝胶 -聚合物复合物 .凝胶的溶胀特性取决于聚酸的链长而不是离子强度 .随着pH值和水 /二甲亚砜混合溶剂组成的变化 ,凝胶的溶胀率 (SR)
The swelling behaviour of a non-ionic poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) hydrogel in a linear poly(acrylic acid) solution upon the influence of chain lengh,pH,ionic strength,and water/dimethyl sulfoxide composition was studied.The sharp shrinkage of the gel volume within a narrow range of polyacid concetration takes place as a result of the formation of an intermacromolecular gel-polymer complex on the base of hydrogen bonding.The swelling behaviour strongly depends on the chain length of the polyacid rather than on the ionic strengh.With the increase of pH value and changing water/dimethyl sulfoxide composition the gel reswelling is induced.
Chemical Research
河南省科委自然科学基金!资助项目 ( 991190 3 2 )
河南省教委自然科学基础项目! ( 2 0 0 0 15 0 0 2 4)