以 1 1种随机引物 (P1、P2 、P3、P4 、P5、P6、P7、P8、P9、K、W )对不同产浆量的四品系西蜂 (低产浆 :喀尼阿兰蜂 ;高产浆 :浙农大、平湖及萧山等意蜂 )的基因组DNA进行RAPD(RandomAmplifiedPolymorphicDNA) -PCR遗传分析。结果 :从W引物在高产蜂王浆的浙农大、平湖、萧山等意蜂三品系的基因组DNA的扩增产物中找到了与高产浆优良性状相关的DNA特异标记———W 31 6bp(bp ,basepair,碱基对 )
random primers (P 1,P 2,P 3,P 4,P 5,P 6,P 7,P 8,P 9,K,W) and RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)——PCR were used to amplify and hereditarily analyze the genomic DNA in 4 race of Apis mellifera Lindauer (A.m.Lindauer of low royal jelly products—Carnica; A.m.Lindauer of high royal jelly products: Zhenongda, Pinghu and Xiaoshan of A.m.ligustica) which were different in royal jelly products. The results showed that primer W produced a special W316bp (bp,base pair)fragment of DNA which was found in Zhenongda, Pinghu and Xiaoshan of high royal jelly products. It is important that A.m.Lindauer of high royal jelly products has the special marker—W316bp.
Apiculture of China
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