通过实地测定和熏烟实验 ,揭示了沈阳地区不同类型树木叶子的总生物量、二氧化硫 (SO2 )吸收强度和硫的吸转周期数 ,三者的函数值即是树木净化SO2 的总潜力为 4780t,约占沈阳年排硫量 1 2 0 0 0 0t的 1 / 2 5,平均每平方公里的树木每天最高净化 1 3.2 8kgSO2其中阔叶乔木占 90 % .这是树木在SO2
In this paper, by means of field measurement and fumigation experiments, it revealed that: the functional value of three factors that included total biomass, absorption intensity of SO 2 and absorption transformation periods of sulphur of leaves of different types of trees in Shenyang areas was the total potential, 4780 tons of purifying SO 2 by trees, which constituted about one twenty fifth of 120000 tons sulphur that released per year in Shenyang, and trees per square kilometre per year might purify 13.28 kg SO 2 per day at most, and 90 percent are broad leaved trees. This is the greatest potential under the threshold of purifying SO 2 by trees.
Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition