
Na^+、K^+、Ca^(2+)对柞蚕幼虫在体胸神经节自发放电活动的影响 被引量:1

The Effects Na^+、K^+、Ca^(2+) on the Spontaneous Firing of Thoracic Ganglia of Antherae Pernyi Larvae
摘要 以柞蚕五龄幼虫为材料 ,运用微电极电生理技术 ,以胞外记录的方法 ,记录了柞蚕幼虫在体胸神经节的自发放电活动 .并观察了胞外Na+、K+、Ca2 +的浓度变化对放电活动的影响 .结果表明 ,柞蚕幼虫胸神经节胞外自发放电有 3种形式 ,即慢节律单个放电、簇状放电及连续放电 ,其离子机制可能既有Na+动作电位 ,又有Ca2 In this paper, the Antherae pernyi larvae were selected for the experiment, microelectrode technique was used to record spontaneous electrical activity of thoracic ganglions, to observe the effects on electrical activity with Na +、K +、Ca 2+ . The results indicated that there were three species forms of spontaneous electrical activity of thoracic ganglions: single spontaneous firing; burst spontaneous firing; consecutive spontaneous firing. The ionic mechanism is possible Na + activity potential and Ca 2+ activity potential.
出处 《辽宁大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第2期180-183,共4页 Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 辽宁省教委资助项目!项目编号:960 2 2 2 1 0 91 970 2 2 1 1 1 1 4
关键词 柞蚕幼虫 胸神经节 自发放电 鳞翅目 离子机制 动作电位 antherae pernyi larvae, thoracil ganglia, spontaneous firing.
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