环境是人类赖以生存的客观条件 ,也对儿童生长发育具有重大的影响 .我国自改革开放以来 ,人们的生活环境越来越向现代化、都市化方向发展 .机械化减轻了人的体力劳动 ,都市化使人们远离自然环境 ,儿童身体活动的机会不断减少 ,学习时间加长 ,睡眠不充足以及饮食习惯的改变等使部分体质指标下降 ,这表明我国急剧发展变化的生活环境对儿童的生长发育产生了一定的负面影响 .为此建议培养学生现代健康意识 。
The environment, as the external living condition of human being, has a great influence on the growth of children. Since the implementation of the reform and open door policy, the living environment of Chinese people is more and more modernized and metropolitanized. The effects of these changes are plural. The mechanization reduces the labour work, the metropolitanization is distancing people from the natural environment. On one hand, the chances of physical activities for children are becoming less and less. On the other hand, their studying time is increasing, and accompanied by the decreasing of sleep time and the changing of eating habit. Thus some of the indicators of children's health in China are worsening. These show that the radical changes of living environment negatively influence the growth of Chinese children. It is suggested that it is essential to raise student's awareness of health in modern time, to emphasize physical education and establish more facilities for children's activities.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)