区域经济联合协作是区域经济发展过程中地区之间经济关系形成与演进的重要模式 .本文在探讨区域经济联合协作发展的内在规律基础上 ,认为相互信任、资源依赖和经济互补性是区域经济联合的本质特征 ;区域利益的协调和竞争机制是区域经济联合的主要形成机制 ;市场、计划与行政手段的综合协调是区域经济联合的运行机制 ;在经济联合过程中政府一般起着桥梁和纽带作用 ,企业是全面参与区域经济联合的主体 ;有关的法律法规建设是区域经济联合发展有序化和正规化的重要保障 .
Regional economic cooperation and coordination has recently gained increasing momentum in a veriety of disciplines. Therefore, it is the program the approaching to the laws of regional economic cooperation and coordination. The Social trust, resources dependence and economic complimentary is initial features. And regional economic cooperation has two kinds of mechanism, including regional henefits coordination and inter regional competition consequently, regional economic cooperation operated and coordinated among market, planning and administration. In the process of regional economic cooperation and coordination, the governments act as a bridge and the firms as main bodies. Lastly, the law and rules will ensure the normalization of regional economic cooperation and coordination.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)