针对普通高校体育课考试中存在的实际问题 ,经过调查研究认为 :普通高校体育课成绩应实行标准化的评分方法。体育课成绩标准化处理的依据为正态分布理论。在原始分数分布不合理的情况下 ,建议以 70分为参照点 ,标准化评分的计分范围以± 3S的转换数学模型较合理 ,其转换数学模型公式为 :Z6=70 +X - X6S × 1 0
The traditional score method of the PE course in universities is the direct composition of each sport items and can't reasonably reflect the actual sport abilities of the students. With the investingation of the short comings in the PE exam scoring of universities, a standardization score method based on the normal distribution theory for PE exam in universities is proposed. The criterion point is set at 70 when the primitive score distribution is not reasonable.The standardization score range is rather reasonable by using the mathematic transformation model ±3S with the formala of Z 6=70+X-6S×100
Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences(Natural Science Edition)