阴阳五行学说是中国传统文化的重要组成部分 ,在紫禁城的建筑中 ,这一学说得到了充分的体现。紫禁城气势雄伟的外朝 ,蕴含阳刚之气魄 ;严谨纤巧的内廷 ,体现了阴柔之精美。阴阳学说中“从阴中求阳 ,从阳中求阴”的哲理也在宫殿名称和布局中表现得颇为明显。紫禁城的建筑还以布局、数目、色彩的变化 ,暗含了五行学说关于物质相生相克的关系 ,体现了天子至尊。
Yin and Yang is an indispensable part of the Chinese traditional culture, which has been comprehensively materialized in the architecture of the Forbidden City.The Forbidden City boasts magnificent out court, revealing the masculinity of the Chinese nation, while the refined inner court features the elegance of the effeminateness. In the theory of Yin and Yang, the philosophy of the opposite but complimentary forces or tendencies inherent in all things is also explicitly expressed through the names of different palaces and their architectural arrangements. Featuring diversified classifications of architectural arrangements, numbers and colors, the Forbidden City intimates that all the earthly things are coexisting with each other, which adopts the acknowledegement of the superiority of the emperor, the ideology of being nationwide stable, as well as the propitiousness pursuing tendency.
Journal of Beijing Union University