北京的博物馆具有很大的发展潜力。为更好地利用北京丰富的文化资源 ,提出了几个方面的建议 ,包括博物馆的展出内容、展出形式、场馆布局、经费来源及健全相关法律等。特别建议应建设北京民俗博物馆以继承传统文化 ,并对这种博物馆的形式提出了建议。对于近年来出现的私人博物馆也作了评述 。
The development of the various museums of Beijing should have great potentialities, for making full use of the rich in the cultural resources of Beijing, some proposals have been offered. They include: the design of the exhibition building, content, item on display, funds, laws and regulations. Specially, the folk custom exhibition of Beijing may be considered to carry forward the traditional culture and commented on it. About the individual, self employed exhibition in recent years in Beijing also was commented upon, and suggested that should be given the support and the complete laws protection by the government for the individual economic.
Journal of Beijing Union University