从内务府档案入手 ,分析了清朝后期 ,由于帝国主义势力的入侵以及王朝统治的衰落 ,北京城王府分布和选址出现了不同以往的特点。首先 ,在分布上随着帝国主义势力侵入北京 ,西方公使馆在北京城内纷纷设立 ,使东交民巷一带的王府被迫迁出 ;其次 ,在选址上 ,由于清政府控制的官方房产日渐减少 。
Starting from analyzing the files recorded by the Internal Affairs office of Qing Dynasty, it discusses the characteristics of location and distribution of the princes' mansions in Beijing City in the Later Qing Dynasty,which were different from before and due to imperialist invasion as well as the decline of Qing Dynasty.First,along with the imperialist invasion into Beijing, the western legations established in Beijing City one after another, so princes' were forced to move their mansions out from the Dongjiaomingxiang Street,which is the most obvious change in the distribution.Secondly,because the official house controlled by the central government were reduced,the new princes often reconstructed older mansions as their residences,which is a new characteristic of mansions' location selection.
Journal of Beijing Union University