本文结合人体血清蛋白醋酸纤维薄膜电泳原理以及多年来在实验教学中的经验总结 ,对电泳实验操作中的主要环节作了分析探讨 ,找出影响蛋白质区带分离清晰的主要因素和解决方法 ,提高区带的分辨力和实验结果的准确性 。
The article junctions principle that human serum protein acetate cellulose thin film is electrophoresed and expermce in experiment teaching for many a long day. It has analysed main bit in eletrop horesis operating; It has found main factor that influence human serum protein separate clearness and a new of solving the problem; the method has raised precision of experiment result.
Journal of Chengdu University(Natural Science Edition)