
速可眠、三唑仑催眠对健康人心率变异性的影响 被引量:2

The effect of secobarbital and triazolam on heart rate variability in humans
摘要 目的 探讨服用催眠药对健康人心率变异性 (HRV )的影响 ,为使用 HRV评定此类催眠药的催眠效果提供方法和生理依据。 方法 在噪声干扰条件下 ,连续记录 8名健康男性青年 (年龄 18~ 2 0岁 )在服用速可眠 (Sec)或三唑仑 (TZ)后的 5 h睡眠过程中 HRV指标 (时域、频域 )的动态变化特征 ,并与自身基础状态和服用安慰剂时进行比较。 结果  Sec组的正常 R- R间期标准差(SDNN )、平均每 5 m in R- R间期标准差 (SDANN )、低频功率 (L F)、低频功率与高频功率之比(L F/HF)降低 ,相邻 R- R间期均方差 (RMSSD)、高频功率 (HF)升高 ,与安慰剂组或基础对照组比 ,差异均有显著性意义 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,TZ组除 SDNN、SDANN、L F与基础对照组比 ,差异无显著性意义(P>0 .0 5 )外 ,余项指标与 Sec组的变化相同。 结论 催眠药对 HRV指标均有显著影响 ,TZ可能以影响迷走神经活动为主 ,HRV对催眠药的催眠效果能作出更客观。 Objective To explore the effect of secobarbital (Sec) and triazolam (TZ) on heart rate variability(HRV) and the possibility of using it as an index and physiological evidence for evaluating the efficiency of hypnotics. Method Two kinds of HRV indices (time domain parameters , frequency domain parameters) of 8 healthy young men aged 18 to 20 were observed during 5 h sleeping in a noise environment after administration of Sec (0.1 g) or TZ (0.25 mg). Subjective assessment of the hypnotic efficiency of Sec and TZ were analysed afterward. Results As compared with baseline and placebo group, SDNN, SDANN, LF, LF/HF in Sec group were significantly decreased, whereas RMSSD and HF significantly increased. Similar changes were found in TZ group, except that SDNN, SDANN, LF, had no significant changes as compared with baseline group. Conclusion The effects of hypnotics on HRV indices were significant.The change of TZ may be mainly due to its effect on vagus activity. HRV may be used as an objective and sensitive index for evaluation of efficiency of hypnotics.
出处 《中华航空航天医学杂志》 CSCD 2001年第1期11-13,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine
基金 全军医药卫生科研基金资助项目! (96 L0 0 5 )
关键词 催眠药 心率 速可眠 三唑仑 药理 Hypnotics Heart rate Secobarbital Triazolam
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