目的 用一平苏治疗心衰伴心律失常 44例 ,评价其疗效。方法 临床诊断心肌病 13例、心肌炎 11例、高血压心脏病心力衰竭 9例、心肌梗塞 9例、风湿性心瓣膜性 2例 ,共 44例按NHYA分类 ,Ⅱ级 7例、Ⅲ级 2 9例、Ⅳ级 8例。合并早搏 11例 (5 2 % )、心房颤动 11例 (2 4% )、室性过速和室颤 4例、房室阻滞 13例 (38% )进入治疗 2周。由临床症状及 2 4小动态血压观察疗效。结果 显示一平苏能有效控制心律失常的发生 ,副作用小。根据卫生部心血管疾病疗效标准 ,显效 34例 ,有效 7例 ,总有效率为 93%。结论 一平苏改善心脏血容量负荷、减轻心脏负担、改善心电病理对心衰病人有确切疗效。
Objective\ To survey the treatment effect of Inhibace on heart failure combined with arrhythmia. Methods\ Clinical diagnosis of cardiomyopathy 13 cases,carditis 11 cases,hypertensive heart failure 9 cases,cardiac infarction 9 cases,and rheumatice heart failure 2 cases were divided in NHYA Ⅱ 7 cases,Ⅲ 29 cases,Ⅳ 8 cases. There are premature beat in 11 cases,atrial fibrillation in 11 cases, ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation in 4 cases,and heart conductive block in 13 cases. Orally Inhibace 5 mg qd for two weeks and monitored by clincal synptoms and 24 hours Holter determination. Results\ The 41 cases of total 44 patients had the obvious effect(75%) and effectiveness(16%) accoording the health ministry heart diseases therapy standard,otherwhile 3 cases had no effectiveness(3/44). Conclusion\ Inhibace is a kind of ACEI,it ameliorate the circulating volumes,the loading and electrophysiology of heart muscles,that made the good effect in failure heart and decreased the ocurrence of arrhythmia.
Chinese Journal of Hypertension