芦荟产业是我国的一个新兴产业,在种植、加工、科研、销售方面呈现了较快的发展势头,但 在产品结构、技术水平、产业规模、行业标准等方面存在着许多问题,严重制约了芦荟产业的健康 发展,通过分析总结,提出了有益于芦荟产业健康发展的一些建议。
Aloe industry is a new industry in our country. It has a quick potentiality in planting, process- ing, research, and marketing, but the questions of production structure, technology level, industry scale, and products quality standard have seriously ristricted its healthy development. After analyzing and sum- marizing, we will put forward some useful suggestions on the development of aloe industry.